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Barnes Place Formula for Event Success

The folks at Barnes Place work hard to create grand events. In an effort to guarantee consistent event experiences, Barnes Place has created a patented event formula.

It’s All About Theme

Nothing is more important than the theme. Hours are spent on developing the perfect theme, and ironing out the details of execution.


Today, people are looking to be entertained, and entertainment is becoming more interactive. Therefore, Barnes Place guests are more than guests; they are Guest-Participants. And while we’re on guests: invite everyone. Most people don’t like to mix ‘church’ friends with ‘work’ friends and such. Why, we’ve never figured out. But we have found most adult guest-participants can handle mingling with crowds than they wouldn’t otherwise. And besides, if they don’t get along, it will make for a far-more interesting evening for all. Just remember, regardless of what happens, event hosts can never be held responsible for the social faux pas of their guest-participants.

The Four Points of Impact

It’s important to be budget conscious, so Barnes Place chooses to focus resources on the areas where it counts the most: the Four Points of Impact.

  1. Invitation: Set the pace and tone of the event through a classy, uniquely designed invitation, enticing guest-participants to attend the event.
  2. Entry Impact: Create dramatic impact as your guest-participants enter. Entry decor ties strongly to the event theme.
  3. Sustained Ambiance: Selectively emphasize important ambiance details which tie closely to the event theme to create an overall impression.
  4. Exit: Create a take-home gift, which is presented as a surprise, and is a wonderful reminder of the great time had by all.